With our help, you can start shopping in Japan today!
By using your tenso address, you can shop at Japanese websites including those that do not support international shipping. Simply list your tenso address as your shipping address.
Find your desired item and proceed to purchase it.
Please be aware that certain products may be prohibited in your country.
You could find your shopping address and phone number in your My Page(at the top). Please enter your registered "full name" and your "TS ID(TS+numbers)" while placing orders/registering websites, or our warehouse staff cannot identify your package.
Please find examples by clicking on the following button. Examples for general sites, Rakuten and amazon are provided.
How to enter your tenso address
We cannot accept products purchased with cash/collect on delivery or credit card payment on delivery services (such as e-Collect) as the payment method. For further details regarding notices and warnings, please click here .
Your item is now on its way to tenso. Once it arrives, we will register it on your My Page within one business day and send you a confirmation email. At that point, you can review the contents and shipping address before paying for international shipping and handling.